It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 5th Soft Matter Summer School on Membranes (2017) which will be held from July 3 to July 7, 2017 at KAIST in Daejeon, Korea.
The school is designed to provide a broad perspective on the fundamental science and contemporary research in soft matter science for graduate students, post-docs, and other young scientists. It started in 2013 with the topic of Soft Material Interfaces., followed by the 2nd Soft Matter Summer School on Active Systems (2014), and the 3rd on Polymers in Biology (2015), the 4th Charged System (2016).
Subject : Membrane
The 5th Soft Matter Summer School (2017) will be focused on Membrane. The underlying principles about cell mechanics, cell dynamics, elastic membrane, drug(gene) delivery, and membrane transfer, etc will be delivered by 12 invited lecturers.
- Wokyung Sung (POSTECH)
- Oded Farago (Ben-Gurion Univ.)
- Sung-Min Choi (KAIST)
- Chris Santangelo (Univ. Mass)
- Doseok Kim (Sogang Univ.)
- Marcus Deserno (Carnegie-Mellon Univ.)
- Bong June Sung (Sogang Univ.)
- Michael Elbaum (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Jung Ho Lee (SNU)
- John Katsaras (Oak Ridge National Lab.)
- Jaseung Koo (KAERI)
- Jongwon Shim (Dongduk Women’s Univ.)
- Aurelia Honerkamp-Smith (Lehigh Univ.)
Date: July 3 (Mon)- July 7 (Fri), 2017
(Registration Deadline: May 31, 2017. Registration limited to 60 people)
Room #207 Yang Bun Sun bldg. (E16-1), KAIST, Deajeon, South Korea
- Myung Chul Choi (KAIST)
- Fyl Pincus (UCSB)
- Mahn Won Kim (GIST)
- Hyuk Kyu Pak (IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter/ UNIST)
- Changbong Hyeon (KIAS)
- YongKeun Park (KAIST)
- Tae-Young Yoon (SNU)
- Chi Won Ahn (NNFC)
- NRF (학연산 교류회 지원사업)
Myung Chul Choi (mcchoi@kaist.ac.kr)