- Fractionation by Spatially Heterogeneous Diffusion: Experiments and the Two-Component Random Walk Model
H. Kim, K. Lee (Co-first), G. Firisa, J. Lee, M. C. Choi, Y. Kim
JACS, 146, 37 (2024) Article - Water Hydrogen-Bond Mediated Layer by Layer Alignment of Lipid Rafts as a Precursor of Intermembrane Processes
S. Lee, J. H. Bak, Y. Lee, D. Jeong, J. Lee, K. K. Lee, H. Cho, H. H. Lee, C. Hyeon, M. C. Choi
JACS, 145, 20 (2024) Selected as Supplementary Cover of the Issue Article Cover image
- Fractionation by Spatially Heterogeneous Diffusion: Experiments and the Two-Component Random Walk Model
News KAIST NEWS “지질 뗏목의 원리 밝혀 질병 치료에 희소식“, June 4 2024
- Complexes of tubulin oligomers and tau form a viscoelastic intervening network cross-bridging microtubules into bundles
P. A. Kohl, C. Song, B J. Fletcher, R. L. Best, C Tchounwou, X. G. Garcia Arceo, P. J. Chung, H. P. Miller, L Wilson, M. C. Choi, Y. Li, S. C. Feinstein, C. R. Safinya
Nature Communications, 15 2362 (2024) Article
- Complexes of tubulin oligomers and tau form a viscoelastic intervening network cross-bridging microtubules into bundles
- Regulation of Interfacial Anchoring Orientation of Anisotropic Nanodumbbells
H. Jang, C. Song, B. Kim, C. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Han, I. An, J. H. Kim, J. Nam, M. C. Choi
ACS Macro Letters, 12 1298 (2023) Selcted as Supplementary Cover of the Issue Article Cover image
- Regulation of Interfacial Anchoring Orientation of Anisotropic Nanodumbbells
- Synchrotron X-ray Study of Intrinsically Disordered and Polyampholytic Tau 4RS and 4RL under Controlled Ionic Environment
H. Cho, J. Lee, H. Nho, K. Lee, B. Gim, J Lee, J. Lee, K. Ewert, Y. Li, S. Feinstein, C. R. Safinya, K. S. Jin, M. C. Choi
The European Physical Journal E: Festschrift in honor of Fyl Pincus, 46:73 (2023) Article
- Synchrotron X-ray Study of Intrinsically Disordered and Polyampholytic Tau 4RS and 4RL under Controlled Ionic Environment
- Ionic contrast across a lipid membrane for Debye length extension: towards an ultimate bioelectronic transducerD. Lee, W. H. Jung, S. Lee, E. S. Yu, T. Lee, J. H. Kim, H. S. Song, K. H. Lee, S. Lee, S. K. Han, M. C. Choi, D. J. Ahn, Y. S. Ryu, C. Kim
Nature Communications, 12 3741 (2021) Article
- Ionic contrast across a lipid membrane for Debye length extension: towards an ultimate bioelectronic transducerD. Lee, W. H. Jung, S. Lee, E. S. Yu, T. Lee, J. H. Kim, H. S. Song, K. H. Lee, S. Lee, S. K. Han, M. C. Choi, D. J. Ahn, Y. S. Ryu, C. Kim
- 튜불린 기반 단백질 나노튜브 개발 및 항암제 전달체로의 응용
J. Lee, M. C. Choi
방사광 과학과 기술 (2021) Article
- 튜불린 기반 단백질 나노튜브 개발 및 항암제 전달체로의 응용
- A bioinspired and hierarchically structured shape-memory material
L. Cera, G. M. Gonzalez, Q. Liu, S. Choi, C. O. Chantre, J. Lee, R. Gabardi, M. C. Choi, K. Shin, K. K. Parker
Nature Materials, 20 242 (2020) Article
- A bioinspired and hierarchically structured shape-memory material
- Tubulin Double Helix: Lateral and Longitudinal Curvature Changes of Tubulin Protofilament
J. Lee, C. Song (Co-first), J. Lee, H. P. Miller, H. Cho, B. Gim, Y. Li, S. C. Feinstein, L. Wilson, C. R. Safinya, M. C. Choi
Small, 16 2001240 (2020) Selected as Back Cover of the Issue Article Cover image
- Tubulin Double Helix: Lateral and Longitudinal Curvature Changes of Tubulin Protofilament
News KAIST NEWS “단백질로 엮어낸 이중나선 개발“, Oct 30 2020
Awards “이준철 2020 BK21 플러스 사업 우수인력 교육부장관상 수상”; “이준철 2021 춘계한국재료학회 나노 화학/바이오 재료 부문 우수 발표 논문상 수상”; “이준철 한국방사광이용자협회 대학원생 우수 논문상 수상”; “이준철 2022년도 바이오및뇌공학과 졸업식 우수 논문상 수상”; “최명철교수님 2021 국가 연구개발 우수성과 100선 선정되어 정보통신부장관상 수상”; “최명철교수 2022년 공과대학 기술혁신 우수상 수상”; “이준철 2023 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회 Springer 최우수 구두발표상 수상”
- Tubulin‐Based Nanotubes as Delivery Platform for Microtubule‐Targeting Agents
J. Kim, J. Lee (Co-first), J. Lee, H. Keum, Y. Kim, Y. Kim, B. Yu, S. Y. Lee, J. Tanaka, S. Jon, M. C. Choi
Advanced Materials, 32 2002902 (2020) Selected as Front Cover of the Issue Article Cover image
- Tubulin‐Based Nanotubes as Delivery Platform for Microtubule‐Targeting Agents
News KAIST NEWS “항암제 표적 단백질 약물전달체로 쓴다?”
- Aggregation and Cellular Toxicity of Pathogenic or Non-pathogenic Proteins
S. Lee, M. C. Choi, K. A. Adem, S. Luckman, T. KimScientific Reports, 10 5120 (2020) Article
- Aggregation and Cellular Toxicity of Pathogenic or Non-pathogenic Proteins
- Microtubules and Tubulin Oligomers: Shape Transitions and Assembly by Intrinsically Disordered Protein Tau and Cationic Biomolecules
C. Safinya, P. Chung, C. Song, Y. Li, H. P. Miller, M. C. Choi, U. Raviv, K. Ewert, L. Wilson, S. Feinstein
Langmuir, 35 15970 (2019) Article
- Microtubules and Tubulin Oligomers: Shape Transitions and Assembly by Intrinsically Disordered Protein Tau and Cationic Biomolecules
- Molecular Switches Regulating Assembly Transitions of Biological Molecules: Tubulin, Amylin and Lipids
D. Jeong, S. Lee, J. Lee, H. Jang, S. Lee, M. C. Choi
AAPPS Bulletin, (2019)
- Molecular Switches Regulating Assembly Transitions of Biological Molecules: Tubulin, Amylin and Lipids
- Inhibition of Human Amylin Aggregation and Cellular Toxicity by Lipoic Acid and Ascorbic Acid, Molecular Pharmaceutics
S. Azzam, H. Jang, M. C. Choi, H. Alsafar, S. Lukman, S. Lee
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 4 15 2098 (2018) Article
- Inhibition of Human Amylin Aggregation and Cellular Toxicity by Lipoic Acid and Ascorbic Acid, Molecular Pharmaceutics
- Comparison between 102k and 20k PEO Depletants in Osmotic Pressure Measurements of Interfilament Forces in Cytoskeletal Systems
P. Chung, C. Song, J. Deek, H. P. Miller, Y. Li, M. C. Choi, L. Wilson, S. Feisntein, C. Safinya
ACS Macro Letters, 7 2 228 (2018) Article
- Comparison between 102k and 20k PEO Depletants in Osmotic Pressure Measurements of Interfilament Forces in Cytoskeletal Systems
- DPPC 다중막의 수직 구조 향상을 유도하는 콜레스테롤에 의한 리플 상에서 정렬된 액체상으로의 상전이: 싱크로트론 X선 반사도 연구
S. Lee, M. C. Choi
방사광 과학과 기술, (2017) Article
- DPPC 다중막의 수직 구조 향상을 유도하는 콜레스테롤에 의한 리플 상에서 정렬된 액체상으로의 상전이: 싱크로트론 X선 반사도 연구
- Lattice Boltzmann simulations for water coalescence
S. J. Lim, M. C. Choi, B. M. Weon, B. Gim
Applied Physics Letters, 111 101602 (2017) Article
- Lattice Boltzmann simulations for water coalescence
- Holographic deep learning for rapid optical screening of anthrax spores
Y. Jo, S. Park, J. Jung, J. Yoon, H. Joo, M. Kim, S. Kang, M. C. Choi, S. Y. Lee, Y. Park
Science Advances, 3(8) e1700606 (2017)
- Holographic deep learning for rapid optical screening of anthrax spores
- Synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy characterization of structures and forces in microtubule/Tau mixtures
P. Chung, C. Song, H. P. miller, Y. Li, U. Raviv, M. C. Choi, L. Wilson, S. C. Feinstein, C. R. Safinya
Methods in Cell Biology, 141 155 (2017) Article
- Synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy characterization of structures and forces in microtubule/Tau mixtures
- Vertical order of DPPC multilayer enhanced by cholesterol-induced ripple-to-liquid ordered (LO) phase transition: Synchrotron X-ray reflectivity study
S. Lee, D. -W. Jeong, M. C. Choi
Current Applied Physics, 17(3) 392 (2017) Article
- Vertical order of DPPC multilayer enhanced by cholesterol-induced ripple-to-liquid ordered (LO) phase transition: Synchrotron X-ray reflectivity study
- Paclitaxel suppresses Tau-mediated microtubule bundling in a concentration-dependent manner
M. C. Choi, P. Chung, C. Song, H. P. Miller, E. Kiris, Y. Li, L. Wilson, S. C. Feinstein, C. R. Safinya
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – General Subjects, 1861, 1(A) 3456 (2017) Article
- Paclitaxel suppresses Tau-mediated microtubule bundling in a concentration-dependent manner
- Tau mediates microtubule bundle architectures mimicking fascicles of microtubules found in the axon initial segment
P. Chung, C. Song, J. Deek, H. P. Miller, Y. Li, M. C. Choi, L. Wilson, S. C. Feinstein, C. R. Safinya
Nature Communications, 7 12278 (2016) Article
- Tau mediates microtubule bundle architectures mimicking fascicles of microtubules found in the axon initial segment
- The effect of multivalent cations and Tau on paclitaxel-stabilized microtubule assembly, disassembly, and structure
C. R. Safinya, P. J. Chung, C. Song, Y. Li, K. Ewert, M. C. Choi
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 232 9 (2016) Article
- The effect of multivalent cations and Tau on paclitaxel-stabilized microtubule assembly, disassembly, and structure
- Direct force measurements reveal protein Tau confers short-range attractions and isoform-dependent steric stabilization to microtubules
P. J. Chung, M. C. Choi (Co-first), H. P. Miller, H. E. Feinstein, U. Raviv, L. Wilson, S. C. Feinstein, C. R. Safinya
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 112 E6416 (2015) Article News
- Direct force measurements reveal protein Tau confers short-range attractions and isoform-dependent steric stabilization to microtubules
- Shape-controlled percolation transition in 2D random packing of asymmetric dimers
Y. Han, J. Lee, S. Choi, M. C. Choi, M. W. Kim
Europhysics Letters, 109 66002 (2015) Article
- Shape-controlled percolation transition in 2D random packing of asymmetric dimers
- Fluorescence Recovery after Merging a Surfactant-Covered Droplet: A Novel Technique to Measure the Diffusion of Phospholipid Monolayers at Fluid/Fluid Interfaces
D. Jeong, K. Kim, S. Lee, M. C. Choi, S. Choi
Langmuir, 10(48) 14369 (2014) Article
- Fluorescence Recovery after Merging a Surfactant-Covered Droplet: A Novel Technique to Measure the Diffusion of Phospholipid Monolayers at Fluid/Fluid Interfaces
- Surface Charge Regulation of Carboxyl Terminated Polystyrene Latex Particles and Their Interactions at the Oil/Water Interface
K. Kim, K. Park, G. Kim, H. Kim, M. C. Choi, S. Choi
Langmuir, 30(41) 12164 (2014) Article
- Surface Charge Regulation of Carboxyl Terminated Polystyrene Latex Particles and Their Interactions at the Oil/Water Interface
- Surface charge effects on optical trapping of nanometer-sized lipid vesicles
S. Park, S. Choi, C. Song, M. W. Kim, M. C. Choi
Soft Matter, 10 8406 (2014): Cover of the issue Article Cover image
- Surface charge effects on optical trapping of nanometer-sized lipid vesicles
- Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch
M. A. Ojeda-Lopez, D. J. Needleman(Co-first), C. Song(Co-first), A. Ginsburg, Y. Li, H. P. Miller, L. Wilson, U. Raviv, M. C. Choi, C. R. Safinya
Nature Materials, 13 195 (2014) Article News Science Perspective
- Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch
- Spontaneous unilamellar polymer vesicles in aqueous solution
T. Kim, C. Song, Y. Han, J. Jang, M. C. Choi
Soft Matter, 10 484 (2014) Article
- Spontaneous unilamellar polymer vesicles in aqueous solution
- 싱크로트론 소각 X-선 산란을 이용한 단백질 나노튜브의 구조와 상호작용
J. Lee, J. Lee, C. Song, M. C. Choi
고분자 과학과 기술, 24(6) 596 (2013) Article
- 싱크로트론 소각 X-선 산란을 이용한 단백질 나노튜브의 구조와 상호작용
- Ion specific effects in bundling and depolymerization of taxol-stabilized microtubules
D. J. Needleman, M. A. Ojeda-Lopez, U. Raviv, H. P. Miller, Y. Li, C. Song, S. C. Feinstein, L. Wilson, M. C. Choi, C. R. Safinya
Faraday Discussions, 166 31 (2013) Article
- Ion specific effects in bundling and depolymerization of taxol-stabilized microtubules
- Shape-induced Chiral Ordering in Two-dimensional Packing of Snowmenlike Dimeric Particles
Y. Han, J. Lee, S. Choi, M. C. Choi, M. W. Kim
Physical Review E, 88 032202 (2013) Article
- Shape-induced Chiral Ordering in Two-dimensional Packing of Snowmenlike Dimeric Particles
- High-throughput nanoscale lipid vesicle synthesis in a semicircular contraction-expansion array microchannel
J. Lee, M. G. Lee, C Jung, Y. Park, C. Song, M. C. Choi, H. G. Park, J. Park
BioChip Journal, 7(3) 210 (2013) Article
- High-throughput nanoscale lipid vesicle synthesis in a semicircular contraction-expansion array microchannel
- Simple Super-Resolution Live-Cell Imaging Based on Diffusion-Assisted Förster Resonance Energy Transfer
S. Cho, J. Jang, C. Song, H. Lee, P. Ganesan, T. Y. Yoon, M. W. Kim, M. C. Choi, H. Ihee, W. D. Heo, Y. K. Park
Scientific Reports, 3 1208 (2013) Article
- Simple Super-Resolution Live-Cell Imaging Based on Diffusion-Assisted Förster Resonance Energy Transfer
- Nanoscale Assembly in Biological Systems: From Neuronal Cytoskeletal Proteins to Curvature Stabilizing Lipids
C. R. Safinya, U. Raviv, D. J. Needleman, A. Zidovska, M. C. Choi, M.A. Ojeda-Lopez, K. Ewert, Y. Li, H. P. Miller, J. Oquispe, B. Carragher, C. S. Potter, M. W. Kim, S. C. Feinstein, L. Wilson
Advanced Materials, 23 2260 (2011) Article
- Nanoscale Assembly in Biological Systems: From Neuronal Cytoskeletal Proteins to Curvature Stabilizing Lipids
- Synchrotron Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Quantitatively Detects Angstrom Level Changes in the Average Radius of Taxol-Stabilized Microtubules Decorated with the Microtubule-Associated-Protein Tau
M. C. Choi, U. Raviv, Y. Li, H. P. Miller, D. J. Needleman, M. W. Kim, L. Wilson, S. C. Feinstein, C. R. Safinya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 272 012001 (2011) Article
- Synchrotron Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Quantitatively Detects Angstrom Level Changes in the Average Radius of Taxol-Stabilized Microtubules Decorated with the Microtubule-Associated-Protein Tau
- Unconventional Salt Trend from Soft to Stiff in Single Neurofilament Biopolymers
R. Beck, J. Deek, M. C. Choi, T. Ikawa, O. Watanabe, E. Frey, P. Pincus, C. R. Safinya
Langmuir, 26 18595 (2010) Article
- Unconventional Salt Trend from Soft to Stiff in Single Neurofilament Biopolymers
- Liquid-crystal periodic zigzags from geometrical and surface-anchoring-induced confinement: Origin and internal structure from mesoscopic scale to molecular level
D. K. Yoon, J. Yoon, Y. H. Kim, M. C. Choi, J. Kim, O. Sakata, S. Kimura, M. W. Kim, I. Smalyukh, N. A. Clark, M. Ree, H. Jung
Physical Review E, 82 041705 (2010) Article
- Liquid-crystal periodic zigzags from geometrical and surface-anchoring-induced confinement: Origin and internal structure from mesoscopic scale to molecular level
- Human Microtubule-Associated-Protein Tau Regulates the Number of Protofilaments in Microtubules: a Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Study
M. C. Choi, U. Raviv, H. P. Miller, M. R. Gaylord, E. Kiris, D. Ventimiglia, D. J. Needleman, M. W. Kim, L. Wilson, S. C. Feinstein, and C. R. Safinya
Biophysical Journal, 97 519 (2009): Cover of July 2 issue Article Cover image
- Human Microtubule-Associated-Protein Tau Regulates the Number of Protofilaments in Microtubules: a Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Study
- Confined Self-Assembly of Toric Focal Conic Domains (The Effects of Confined Geometry on the Feature Size of Toric Focal Conic Domains)
Y. H. Kim, D. K. Yoon, M. C. Choi, H. S. Jeong, M. W. Kim, O. D. Lavrentovich, and H. Jung
Langmuir, 25 1685 (2009) Article
- Confined Self-Assembly of Toric Focal Conic Domains (The Effects of Confined Geometry on the Feature Size of Toric Focal Conic Domains)
- Scatterless Hybrid Metal-Single-Crystal Slit For Small-Angle X-ray Scattering and High Resolution X-ray Diffraction
Y. Li, R. Beck, M. C. Choi, and M. Divinagracia
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 41 1134 (2008) Article
- Scatterless Hybrid Metal-Single-Crystal Slit For Small-Angle X-ray Scattering and High Resolution X-ray Diffraction
- Internal Structure Visualization and Lithographic Use of Periodic Toroidal Holes in Liquid Crystals
D. K. Yoon, M. C. Choi (Co-first), Y. H. Kim, M. W. Kim, O. D. Lavrentovich, and H. Jung
Nature Materials, 6 866 (2007) Article
- Internal Structure Visualization and Lithographic Use of Periodic Toroidal Holes in Liquid Crystals
- Topographic Control of Lipid-raft Reconstitution in Model Membranes
T. Y. Yoon, C. Jeong, S. Lee, J H Kim, M. C. Choi, S. J. Kim, M. W. Kim, and S. Lee
Nature Materials, 5 281 (2006) Article
- Topographic Control of Lipid-raft Reconstitution in Model Membranes
- Direct Observation of Biaxial Confinement of a Semiflexible Filament in a Channel
M. C. Choi, C. D. Santangelo, O. Pelletier, J. H. Kim, S. Y. Kwon, Z. Wen, Y. Li, P. A. Pincus, C. R. Safinya, and M. W. Kim
Macromolecules, 38 9882 (2005) Article
- Direct Observation of Biaxial Confinement of a Semiflexible Filament in a Channel
- Ordered Patterns of Liquid Crystal Toroidal Defects by Microchannel Confinement
M. C. Choi, T. Pfohl, Z. Wen, Y. Li, M. W. Kim, J. Israelachvili, and C. R. Safinya
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 14 17340 (2004): Featured on the Cover of Dec 14 issue Article News - Spontaneous Aggregation of Lipids in Supported Membranes with Geometrical Barriers
T. Y. Yoon, C. Jeong, J. H. Kim, M. C. Choi, M, W. Kim, and S-.D. Lee
Applied Surface Science, 238 299 (2004) Article
- Ordered Patterns of Liquid Crystal Toroidal Defects by Microchannel Confinement
- Effects of PS-PVP Diblock Copolymer Topography on the Magnetic Properties of CoCrPt Thin Films
J. Jeong, M. C. Choi, M. W. Kim, and S. Shin
Physica Status Solidi B, 241 1609 (2004) Article
- Effects of PS-PVP Diblock Copolymer Topography on the Magnetic Properties of CoCrPt Thin Films